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All knowledge, all wisdom, and all good things begin with God. All thing which are evil originate by separating onesself from Him.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Welcome to my Blog!

Hi, my name's Christian. For those of you who don't know me, I am a servant of God. That's all. I serve him through politics, as I believe that this is where he has led me, through my inclinations, and my philosophy, and my oppurtunities. 

Note (EXTREMELY IMPORTANT): I am EXTREMELY Libertarian. I describe my philosophy as Christian Right-Libertarianism, which is practical Minarchism, but philosophically and principally Christian Anarchism. This Libertarianism is rather right-wing, focusing on individual liberties before all else, and having no sympathy for the collective. The only ways in which I could be described as liberal or left-wing are on some social issues. I support legalisation (or actually deregulation of) narcotics, prostitution, pornography, gambling, smoking, and drinking alcohol. I support these not because I do these things or have vested interest in them, but because the government has no business regulating them. I also hate government-sanctioned "marriage," whether gay or straight. The government has no business defining, recognizing or condoning marriage. They may recognize unions, but I would have them recognize unions of nonsexual, polygamist, homosexual, heterosexual, every kind of union which should have legal status of its own. This would be similar to articles of corporation or partnership. This would be perfectly acceptable to me, moderate gay rights groups, the United States Constitution, and I believe the Lord our God, may He let me know if I am wrong. 
I believe this is right because it is not a Christian's job to enforce morality, but rather to show love, spread the word, help others, and share their wealth WITHOUT BEING FORCED TO DO SO BY LAW. Conservatives and Christians give willingly all the time, in great amounts, and are hampered when they are taxed heavily by a hungry government. By the way, I am an incredibly rich man. I have a mother that loves me very dearly, a God who died on a cross for me, a very beautiful little black doggie, an incredible education, several organizations which support me in my faith and my politics including RealLife, the Campus Crusade for Christ at OSU, Jacob's Porch, and the OSU College Republicans. I haven't had much money, but I have never gone hungry, cold, abused or alone. I have never gone without, even if we barely scraped by, and usually with the help of others. Thank you God for everything and everyone you have given me in my life. That said, I have never been an ivory-tower, penthouse-apartment, trust-fund Republican, because I believe freedom should not be conditional on environment, and this applies to me as well.

Thank you for reading, hope you'll stop by again. This blog is to be about philosophy, politics, religion, and science (science being very limited here, in my philosophy science is not necessarily wrong, just really unncessary). It is about how they work together, but remember, everything here is based on my faith. Without God, none of us would be. To create a political system without God is stupid, to attempt to better society without God is completely insane. I stand by this statement, so the way I treat politics and philosophy will always sound almost completely insane to an atheist. With that, I leave you. If you see something that sparks an interest in you, praise the Lord, I'm doing this for Him. If you see something that troubles you, tell me, because I do not believe God is above rebuking me through other people. Be prepared however, I will expect the highest level of logic, reason, faith, and love in your response, as I expect it from myself. 
                                                                                                         Your humble servant, and Christ's,
                                                                                                         -Christian LW Malone
                                                                                                         OSU Student, Class of 2012
                                                                                                         Political Science- Theory


  1. I agree with the whole marriage thing, which is why i am against legalizing gay marriage, none should be allowed

    as for not policing with your morality, sweet

  2. You have not had a single original thought. Your arrogance is sickening and your logic fatally flawed. It barely warrants a response but is so angering that you need to be put in your place. Venture outside into the real world once in a while.
