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All knowledge, all wisdom, and all good things begin with God. All thing which are evil originate by separating onesself from Him.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Red Pill

In the movie, The Matrix, Morpheus offers Neo a blue pill and a red pill. The blue pill would make Neo fall asleep, and he would wake up in his bed, and he wouldn't remember any of what he had seen or heard, never to be troubled again. He could live out his life, as it was before he found out that everything he knew was a lie. The red pill would signify he was ready to learn more, and he would remember all of it. Neo chose the red pill. Which would you choose, if I told you that I've figured out that your political philosophy is incompatible with faith in God?

Like most of my ideas, I'm talking to myself in third and first person terms. I mean to say that I do not venture to say that I can judge the philosophies of politics held by others. I can provide my own advice, in what I have come up with, and I can truly say that I have considered these things by the word of God and all my God-given logic. My point here in stating this is that what if our philosophies are wrong by God. Most would agree that German National Socialism is incompatible with any form of Christianity. They killed people by the millions. This is almost uncontested except for by Christian Identity sects and the Aryan Nations, neither of whom are considered Christians in almost any sense. However, if I told you I'm looking into whether or not my philosophy is compatible with living in the United States since it became liberalised during the twentieth century, you would most likely look at me as a wackjob. The point is, our government now uses our money to kill embryos (this position assumes that an embryo is a human being from conception). They use your money to jail people for using/possessing narcotics, drinking alcohol between 18-20 years of age, gambling, among other things. Is this okay? You are now paying for Congress to deliberate on whether or not you have the right to bear arms, or peacably assemble, petition, and all of the other rights you have. They are debating you rights, and have shown that historically they are more than willing to try and take your rights away, for the "general welfare," "public safety," "National security," and, most famously, "war." 

I personally find them disturbing. I wake up every day and wonder why I'm not rebelling against the government... The only thing which keeps me from going out and beginning a revolution is that I do not have any kind of following, and I'm not sure whether or not such a revolution would turn violent. I don't wish to see bloodshed for this, but I also understand the Social Contract well enough to know that this government was never meant to be permanent, or all-powerful, or unchallenged. I do no want to see brother against brother, father against son as it was back in 1861, and I pray that I do not have to see any more war in my lifetime. I do not want to have to do this, I'd prefer to work within the system, but the things that the government is doing are just shy of intolerable. I will just have to ride out a little longer with our government the way it is. The only way I justify this with myself is that the rights of others are better served if I study now, and then once I can best understand the way the system works, perhaps I can change the system of government without bloodshed. It is better that I give up what I know are my rights for now, in the short term, that I might be able to restore them to others later. I hope you, the reader, doesn't consider this as being against my principles, because my only principles are those which are taught by God. I do not feel bad for violating my own political construction for the purpose of helping others, because my involvement in politics has the exclusive goal of making people free, which is, I believe, well served by my actions.. My most basic principle of politics is to not force others to do that which they do not want to do, thus explaining my philosophical anarchism. Well, I believe that's all of my ranting for the day! Will you take the blue pill and ignore what I have said, and not reconsider your own positions, or will you take the red and consider how God would view the things which you have done, through this representative democracy which we all share resposibility for?

Dear Lord, guide me with respect to my actions in politics. If I act untrue to your will, block my way, and stop my actions from negatively affecting others. Help me to understand your will, and do not let my actions be guided by my ego, or my misunderstandings, or my own will. Take my hands, my feet, my lungs and my voice, and use them for what it is that You would have them do. Your will be done, in Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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